Siq Al-barid Little Petra

Just 6 km north the Nabataean capital's centre, the Siq al-Barid ("cold canyon"), also known as Little Petra, and the area around Al-Beidha were an important base for the long-distance trade, and an ideal rest place for caravans. On the once fertile plains the pack and saddle animals could graze extensively. Thanks to numerous cisterns, there was sufficient water so that agriculture could flourish, including wine growing and making, as evidenced by a large number of well-preserved wine presses.
The rock-cut buildings in the 350 metres long Siq al-Barid originated most likely in the heyday of the Nabataean Empire during the 1st century AD, and seem to have served mainly cultic purposes. A funnel-shaped entrance area, where there is a grave with classical facade, leads to a gate and narrow passage through which one enters the deep and therefore "cool" gorge.
At first, a kind of plaza opens up, where a beautiful temple rises above a cave dwelling. After a passageway with four triclinia follows the second slightly wider court, where the famous biclinium with remains of Nabataean wall paintings is located. The Siq al-Barid ends in a steep staircase with heavily worn steps, which can be used as exit if you want to continue the way. More about this on the photo pages.
By car approx. 9 km north of Petra Visitor Centre. Open during the day.

Tomb façade 846
The rock-cut tomb with classical façade (1st century BC - 1st century AD) stands on the right in front of the gate to the deep gorge of Siq al-Barid. (Nr. 846 according to Brünnow & von Domaszewski)
The entrance is flanked by two flat relief pillars with quarter columns and Nabataean capitals. The metope-triglyph frieze above the door is a widespread decoration of Greco-Roman Classical architecture adopted by the Nabataeans. It is completed by a flat arch. At its ends and apex traces of decorative elements can be seen, also recognizable at the two corners of the pediment crowned by an urn.
The chamber inside is unfinished, which is why the building could have never served as a burial place.

Entrance to the canyon
The narrow passage to the rock-cut buildings in the gorge was once closed by a gate.

Al Wu‘eira Crusader castle
If you drive from the Petra Visitor Center to Beidha, you will see the castle ruins to the left of the road. Vaux Moise (in Arabic al-Wuʿaira) was an outpost of the Crusader Fortress Montréal in Shobak, 25 km north. The stronghold over Wadi Musa was built in 1116 under the reign of King Balduin I of Jerusalem on the remains of a Nabataean or Roman predecessor and was strongly extended in 1142. After the defeat of the crusaders by Saladin's army at Hattin (1187), it was conquered by the Ayyubids in 1188.

View of Petra
On the way to Siq al-Barid you have a great view of the valley of ancient Petra's city centre. Behind the shelter of the Byzantine Church) is the Great Temple and on the far right, the main sanctuary, in later times know as Qasr al-Bint Far'un.
Source and Reference — Universes in Universe